Thursday, January 31, 2019

What I lack

What brought me to the point where I started to think about making games?

Mostly the things I lacked in the hyper-casual games I watched and played.
What would that be?

The feel.
I saw quite a lot of games which were "cold".
Sure it is possible to have such a game fun and playable but personally, I want more:

A character.
A story.
A mood.

A character.
Well... of course you can bounce a ball or a square, but it seems to me that using a character
that brings your emotions (whatever they are) is much more valuable.
Personally I prefer jumping the Doodle from Doodle jump than any geometrical object.

A story.
Not in a casual game? Why not?
It is not necessary to tell a very rich story... but something that shows you the aim.
A story that somehow leads you bouncing from the start to the end.
So that the bouncing gets a purpose?

A mood.
Something that I love in many games.
A mood that is achieved by both the gameplay itself, the characters involved,
but mostly by graphics in high esthetical standards. An idea which is visible and consistent throughout.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Setting up a blog

Setting up a blog today to start documenting the indie game dev process that I am taking part in.
Sort of a diary.
A form of a notebook.
To get back to some of the ideas after some time.
To revise.

Getting into this branch of activity was partially inspired by my daughter - I have been observing the games she is playing on her mobile. Looking at the games she is playing I found some of them amazing and some completely "not my story" to say the least.

I got this idea, that I want to add my few words to this world and make a difference.
My proffesssional life taught me to take up all different scales and types of projects.
Treating the game dev as one of them and using my architectural experience and skills to develop a new quality of casual mobile gaming.